
Search "user:Material_Collector"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - When one wins rating points back?#4

I see. Looks like I was 'unlucky' for either having not been one of his last 40 opponents, and winning about 50 rating points in that tournament.

Lichess Feedback - I need to create a second account so I can make a school club team using a non-personal account.#9

You may have a second account as well, but as others said you just can't abuse them by having a lot and making them play each other to artifically inflate one's rating. Heck, I myself have a second ac…

Lichess Feedback - When one wins rating points back?#1

Ok, so me and a friend of mine ended up both playing the same guy in a tournament, which had his account closed, and we both lost. My friend did got refund points for losing his game, but not me. So, …

General Chess Discussion - Nicknames "used" unnecessarily#5

Yeah, it could be interesting the suggestion of accounts that have been inactive for a very long time to be deactivated and let the username be taken by someone else.

General Chess Discussion - Multi account policy#15

I don't think it's forbidden to have more accounts, the problem would be to make them play each other in order to artificially gain/lose rating points.
