
Search "user:MarcoDisce"

19 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - "Chess Insights": what kind of data are are visualized?#1

In "chess insights" when you plot - for example - "move time" versus date, you are given a sequence of columns that come in couples: one is the move time (average) and the other is "number of moves". …

Lichess Feedback - Ridiculous amount of lag.#6

I did have a connection issue during one match and two of my opponents disconnected

Lichess Feedback - Ridiculous amount of lag.#3

Same here.

Lichess Feedback - Fix connection problems#7

For me it is not related to the internet connection in general but only to LiChess Server, I can say so because (1) I experience the problem with different internet providers/connections (2) I don't e…

Lichess Feedback - Fix connection problems#4

I also experienced unreasonably long lags when I made my moves in recent bullet games: I had to wait about 10 seconds for a move to become effective after I sent the command.

General Chess Discussion - Why do ratings and percentiles are generally decrease with game clock time?#3

It would make sense assuming that * the stronger players do NOT play slow games * the weaker players do NOT play fast games but why should it happen?

General Chess Discussion - Why do ratings and percentiles are generally decrease with game clock time?#1

(Sorry for the typo on the subject) It seems that generally people have higher ratings and percentiles in variants when the clock time is higher. Do you agree it is a common pattern? How would you exp…

General Chess Discussion - Insufficient material versus time flag#6

@pablohs: "you can't FORCE a checkmate with two knights and a king, but there can be checkmates" You mean that you can checkmate your opponent if he makes a "mistake"?

General Chess Discussion - Insufficient material versus time flag#4

@Sarg0n Well ok, I see it in general but it would depend on the actual material and the positions in a totally nontrivial way!

General Chess Discussion - Insufficient material versus time flag#1

I'm not sure I understand the insufficient material rule when someone runs out of time. I see that if you have a lonely king and your opponent runs out of time (having enough material to checkmate you…
