
Search "user:Lonely_Virgin_Boy"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I don't need to "see" white space, I need to see the f'ing chess board#2

For those having the same problem as me, I noticed by going to 33% zoom in my browser I could get around it... unfortunately the clock does not have a resize option.... pretty pathetic either way http…

Lichess Feedback - I don't need to "see" white space, I need to see the f'ing chess board#1

Since lichess v2 hyperbullet on this website has gotten 10x more annoying for some players. The smaller the squares, the more precise your mouse movements need to be. As most people aren't Andrew Tang…

Lichess Feedback - Zen mode glitch??? #1

Wth happened to Zen mode??????? Do people who do these updates even play chess? How is it 'Zen Mode' with a HUGEEEE blue thing in the left hand corner making screen crazy asymmetrical. Going to play o…

Lichess Feedback - Liked Old Zen Mode Better#14

Wth happened to Zen mode??????? Do people who do these updates even play chess? How is it 'Zen Mode' with a HUGEEEE blue thing in the left hand corner making screen crazy asymmetrical. Going to play o…
