
Search "user:LastManStanding33"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - My reports#1

I know its hard to control cheating on websites. Still there are around 20 reports of mine in the last 7 days. Half of them obvious cheats and the other half should be. I took time for all of this, so…

Lichess Feedback - Check my reports. 15 cheaters+#1

Hey ho, i played a lot the last 2 days. Please search for my reports and ban the engine lovers there. Youre welcome

Lichess Feedback - Some weird lag since 2 hours#1

I wait for the premoves of my opponents to come in and lose on time. Its not my internet.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess and the server conditions#1 Me using no time against someone who has to think about every move because i have winning initiative. hint: look at the used time.

Lichess Feedback - 20 moves in 0,8 sec#2

Lichess Feedback - 20 moves in 0,8 sec#1

I caught him off guard with a rook sac when he had 1,7 sec left. He was on 0,8 and flagged me when i was also premoving everything. Its obviously a time hacking IM, who thinks, his title saves him fro…

Lichess Feedback - Timebug at Bullet or some new hacking software#1

I have good internet and software. In my bullet games there is a few times a delay. I wait up to 3 sec for my opponents move. The time is ticking. Then a lag happens, he has the 3 sec back and i have …
