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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Add things like best move, excellent, good, great, brilliant, etc.#18

@glbert said in #17: > yes, some very bad ideas. i have some bad ideas about world peace as well, wanna hear them? Yes

Lichess Feedback - Add things like best move, excellent, good, great, brilliant, etc.#4

Maybe brilliant moves are a bit of a stretch, but moves taking advantage of a blunder on the opponent's side could be considered great moves like they are in, and lichess already has a syste…

Lichess Feedback - Add things like best move, excellent, good, great, brilliant, etc.#1

This has probably already been suggested a million times, but I think it would be cool if you added all of the move ratings (Brilliant, Great, Best, Excellent, Good, etc.) to the analysis board like c…
