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Community Blog Discussions - K-12 National Grade Championships#1

Comments on

Lichess Feedback - SF Analysis#6

Haha! Very funny! Laughing so hard! I don't need your advice on where to chat. Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - SF Analysis#4

@schlawg can we please discuss this in private chat?

Lichess Feedback - SF Analysis#1

I am getting a very annoying constant problem of SF loading failure. It is starting to get on my nerves because I complained about this problem and it isn't changing. It is not my internet browser bec…

Lichess Feedback - "Stockfish 11 HCE error", very annoying#5

No matter what engine I use, 16, 14, or 11, it constantly shows a warning. or the new SF 16 there is a red exclamation mark which pops up after 8 moves unallowing me to analyze my games. I am using a …

Lichess Feedback - "Stockfish 11 HCE error", very annoying#3

Thanks, I have the same problem. Applies to all engines. It also stops showing the best move after 8 moves and it becomes very annoying.

Lichess Feedback - A complaint about analysis#1

I have noticed that the engine stops showing the best move around move 8, and it only sometimes works after I reload the page after every move. This has become very annoying because I have lots of gam…
