
Search "user:Junky85"

202 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Innate Talent vs Acquired Talent#3

But can you beat people who was or is born with an advantage if u study hard enough?

Off-Topic Discussion - Innate Talent vs Acquired Talent#1

Can someone be at the level of Einstein if he/she studied hard asf? Or does having innate talent coupled with honing said talent always trump the hard working one?

General Chess Discussion - Reducing Blunder rate.#2

If u want to reduce blundering, I would probably play slow games so that you can think more. Though playing defensively is good, it is also good to know how to attack. Tigran Petrosian (the dead one n…

Off-Topic Discussion - questions#2

The only way to die in chess is u don't take a break. Chess apparently decreases ur chances of getting dementia and also increases cognitive ability. I am not sure of this but I watched a TED-Ed about…

Off-Topic Discussion - Meat or vegetables?#13

I would eat a person.

Off-Topic Discussion - Which to pick first?#1

I'm planning to take medicine and tech when I'm in college but I am having a hard time picking which course is first? Should I do med first then tech or vice versa?

Off-Topic Discussion - Computer Science#3


Off-Topic Discussion - Computer Science#1

Any good books for complete beginners to learn computer science? Also what does computer science encompasses like is it a vast subject or whatnot?

Off-Topic Discussion - Other programming languages#5

@AayushGhate That sucks.

Off-Topic Discussion - Other programming languages#3

Are there IDEs that tailors to all languages or not? @AayushGhate
