
Search "user:Ionrex"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Can't see followers on profile#29

Why not just supply an option to click through and see followers still but not display the number then, if people trying to get their number up is the issue?

Lichess Feedback - Site bug while game was nearly over and now no points awarded#1

I think the site was playing up just as a game I was in was almost won. It showed the other player as having left, though the claim victory button didn't work. I suspect now that the other person was …

Game analysis - Most evenly balanced and accurately played game by both players?#4

@MrPushwood I take it the answer to my closing question is 'no' then!

Game analysis - Most evenly balanced and accurately played game by both players?#1

I just played this game (which my opponent resigned, seemingly prematurely from the analysis), and I'm struck by how even and well played it shows throughout; only one mistake and 14 average centipawn…

Lichess Feedback - BUG - I checkmated someone 134 points higher in rapid rated game and got 0 points for winning.#17

I have had the same issue here, so it's on record in case the rating loss (or rather, non-gain) can be undone.

Lichess Feedback - Chess Pursuit#4

@DEFAULT08 It's the game you get offered on any Lichess 404 page. It's really cute but sadly a bit short. Click the link in boochin's post above!

Lichess Feedback - Chess Pursuit#1

I clicked on a dead link and played Chess Pursuit. Got to the end and was quite sad that it didn't continue. Any plans for a sequel or an expanded version? I want to see poor black king get his queen …

Game analysis - Best fork ever?#19

@MrPushwood Yeah, I had the dim hope that he might do it on that instinct of not wanting to mess up the pawn structure. Such as can happen in blitz games. At least at my level!

Game analysis - Best fork ever?#8

@Aviraldwivedi Short of someone promoting a pawn to a bishop. Not sure I've ever seen a game where that happens to add two bishops on same coloured squares though.

Game analysis - Best fork ever?#1

I've played a lot of chess in my time (most of it not all that great, admittedly), but this is the first time I've had a four way knight fork between the opponent's king, queen and both rooks, after w…
