
Search "user:Iceybin"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Termination tag usage in studies#1

I'm trying to make a study and am trying to set the termination field in such way that the game correctly shows that one side resigned. This however is not working and the last time someone has asked …

General Chess Discussion - Research on Nc6 in Albin-Blackburn gambit?#1

So while studying Philidor lines I quickly stumbled across the 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Bg4 4.dxe5 line that usually splits off into the following notable outcomes: 4...Bxf3 5.Qxf3 dxe5 Reliving the Oper…

Lichess Feedback - Best moves being innacurate (stockfish contradicting itself during analysis)#1

So I have noticed this for multiple times now, but it has happened so often that my curiosity got the better of me... Why does Stockfish often contradict itself? > 6. h3?!…
