
Search "user:IPlayFromTheRestroom"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Too many players disconnecting instead of resigning#5

To the person saying they haven't seen good ideas on how to deal with this problem: One idea that was floated here recently that I thought was good is to make it possible when creating a game to filte…

Lichess Feedback - Too many players disconnecting instead of resigning#1

It's getting worse and worse. You guys have to implement a solution, many ideas have been suggested here. This is a plea to take some action. Thanks for your consideration.

Lichess Feedback - Auto-banning needs to be more aggressive#1

More and more, whenever I am winning a game, my opponent: (a) lets the time run out, or; (b) disconnects entirely There is a warning that if you do this too often then you'll be temporarily banned. Bu…
