
Search "user:Hawaiiperson1"

23 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 14+ NNUE or Stockfish 16?#6

I don’t have that problem often although it seems that you look at a lot of exotic positions that are uncommon, so the engine evals can vary greatly. These sharp positions can change the eval a lot be…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 14+ NNUE or Stockfish 16?#4

I ran the position through SF16 and got an eval of +1.24 after 1 billion nodes. I also ran it through a cloud engine, and it got +1.10 although I don’t know what SF they are using. Generally, your hom…

General Chess Discussion - Will Magnus still play on Lichess since PlayMagnus has been acquired by Chess com?#1

Will Magnus be able to play on Lichess anymore, since he got acquired by Chess com? Is there some contract that requires him to only play on their site? If there is it is a shame, I like him playing o…

Lichess Feedback - Is computer analysis not working right now?#9 I opened a bug report on GitHub yesterday. They are waiting to put out a patch in a couple hours.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess analysis board safari Ipad#2

I am also getting this same issue.

General Chess Discussion - Can someone explain why b8=Q is better than bxa8=Q?#3

Thanks, I just assumed black could continue checking and didn’t see the b4 pawn.

General Chess Discussion - Guess the elo- you may be surprised!#22

White and black around 1900-2000

General Chess Discussion - Can someone explain why b8=Q is better than bxa8=Q?#1 Using this position, stockfish says that it is better to not take the rook. I have gone through the engine lines and can’…

Lichess Feedback - Folders for games and imports#3


Lichess Feedback - Folders for games and imports#1

I was wondering if we could have folders to categorize our games and imports. Right now I have lots of imported games, but I can’t put them into groups.
