
Search "user:HarditSingh"

6 forum posts
Game analysis - Why does the engine recommend f4 in this position?#1

I think it sacrifices the knight for an open file for the rook but I don't see how white will get compensation for it in the future.

Lichess Feedback - Why any account becomes violated#2

He probably broke one of the Lichess terms of service which you can find here: If you do believe it was a false ban then you can appeal hear:…

Lichess Feedback - i've been robbed of elo points for games that haven't even had 1 play.#12

@LOBOLOBITO then go play there.

General Chess Discussion - Giving away diamond membership to whoever can defeat me.#7

Challenge Accepted

Lichess Feedback - Starting pieces not shown in chess 960 while playing blindfolded.#1

Hello everyone! I am recently new user to Lichess and I am very fond of blind chess. I noticed a problem when playing chess 960 blindfolded you are not able to see the starting position making it impo…

Lichess Feedback - Starting pieces not shown in chess 960 while playing blindfolded.#1

Hello everyone! I am recently new user to Lichess and I am very fond of blind chess. I noticed a problem when playing chess 960 blindfolded you are not able to see the starting position making it impo…
