
Search "user:Hactic"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Puzzle storm/racer leaderboard#20

I'm curious how you guys think it's possible to cheat, like how fast would people have to recreate the positions with a computer to actually compete with real puzzle solving?

Lichess Feedback - Ability to look up puzzles based on your games#1

Pretty simple to implement, think it'd be kinda cool to see puzzles that came from your games and how many people completed it etc.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#115

Amazing! Thanks for providing the community with free goodies like this, always felt wrong that you'd have to pay for this on another site.

Lichess Feedback - Time Balanced Tournaments#7

@J_SEDA_conant I mention Beserk in my initial post, it's not exactly the same thing, ever heard of analytical thinking? :)

Lichess Feedback - Time Balanced Tournaments#1

Random idea: a new type of tournament where the time the player has is based on the difference in rating between them and their opponent. For example a player with 2700 rating would have 15 seconds ag…

General Chess Discussion - Who is GM Konevlad?#165

Presumably the moderators know who he is because to get a titled account you need proof of identity...

Lichess Feedback - Team Leaderboard#1

Why not have a team leaderboard now that we have team battles? I suggest having an "official" shield tournament once a week where any team can join. The leaderboard shows the team that's won the most …

Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer of Single Player#9

@lishadowapps this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much!!

Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer of Single Player#7

@lishadowapps @tailuge wow thanks for sharing guys, and for the effort you put in to making. I'd still like it built into of course, but I will try out these tools for now :)

Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer of Single Player#2

At least of your own, if people don't like the prepping idea.
