
Search "user:HULIUS"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Let’s get 10000 posts on this topic! 2.0#391

lol that cookie monster Wikipedia page :D

Lichess Feedback - Interactive Lesson Multiple Lines Suggestion#1

Lately, I've been trying to make the most of the interactive lesson feature added to Lichess, but there have been many instances where I've been making an interactive lesson in a study where there is …

Lichess Feedback - Switching from Interactive Lesson to Practice with Computer Bug#1

I found a minor bug to do with switching between an interactive lesson and a practice witch computer setup in the practice area of Lichess. If you open a chapter which is an interactive lesson and the…

Lichess Feedback - Blank board with no pieces#3

@Stormcable I think you may be playing in blindfold mode. To switch it off, go to preferances, scroll right to the bottom and switch "Blindfold chess (invisible pieces)" to no. Blindfold mode is usual…

Game analysis - Was there any chance of me winning this game?#7

In stockfish you had a +55 advantage with depth 24! Qd3 wins the queen pretty soon, taking the pawn with Rxd6 threatening mate and forcing the king to come out.