
Search "user:GroneN"

42 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should I be happy I won, or sad that my winning move was a mistake?#4

You should be happy that you were so fortunate that your opponent hadn't punished you for your mistake, but you should be angry at yourself for not seeing the mistake and try to avoid such a mistake n…

Game analysis - Stockfish suggests wrong move#8

Sorry for very late reply, but stockfish didn't point out any inaccuracy there, you just had local analysis on and that was the move stockfish would have chosen, this move has the same purpose as your…

General Chess Discussion - How can I understand cheaters ?#12

#11 He might have had 0 0 0, but that's not very hard to do when your opponent blunders their queen and bishop on move 10. Stockfish will agree with almost any move because being down a queen is alrea…

General Chess Discussion - 0000#4

#2 scratch that, misread your comment, ignore my comment lol

General Chess Discussion - 0000#3

#2 maybe because he was down a queen ;) A better question would be the motivation behind taking on f7.

Lichess Feedback - Conditional premoves#3

I don't understand why its impossible to do in real time games? I also think it would be more useful in live games(especially blitz/bullet) than in correspondence games simply because its less likely …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess is stupid. #9

I strongly disagree about the site being full of cheaters. I feel like I've almost never encountered a cheater on this site before. I think this is mainly because of the awesome community this site at…

General Chess Discussion - How can I understand cheaters ?#5

I think there are multiple motives for cheaters to do what they do: 1. he/she could want to troll people online/ruin the fun of chess for other people. 2. he/she could want to brag about a high rating…

Lichess Feedback - Conditional premoves#1

Hi guys, is it possible you guys will be adding a conditional premove feature in chess games in the future? What I mean by this is instead of simply premoving Qg8+ for example, you could premove the m…

Lichess Feedback - Arrows for blunders, mistakes, inaccuracies in study#3

Yeah I know that, but is it possible to get the arrows you get in the analysis board(for inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders) into the study without having to insert them yourself?
