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6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How can I study the modern main lines with lichess?#5

@swarminglocusts said in #4: > How would you like to play? If you learn an opening memorize the middle game plans for each side not just variations; also learn the themes. Derrick Kelley is a great fr…

General Chess Discussion - How can I study the modern main lines with lichess?#3

@mkubecek said in #2: > In the opening explorer, you can set date range (with year granularity) as a filter for "masters" database. Thank you, mkubecek, good idea.

General Chess Discussion - How can I study the modern main lines with lichess?#1

I would like to get your ideas on the following problem: When I first studied chess some 40 years ago I studied the "modern lines" and played many of them (for example, I followed Kasparov as a role m…

General Chess Discussion - It is possible to improve at chess without read books?#9

I enjoyed a thorough and healthy education. Not reading books is not something I would be be very proud of.

Lichess Feedback - lichess supervision of cheating - how intense is it?#8

@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #6: > yeh, but have a look at my worst losses in blitz ... I had a look, and I see that you are playing 2+3 time control, right? Now, there is nothing per se wrong with t…

Lichess Feedback - lichess supervision of cheating - how intense is it?#5

@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #1: > Now, does lichess depend on people reporting suspicious to them games? Yep, that's it.
