
Search "user:Fysh"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess v2 - feedback#21

I'm a PC user. Initially, everything appeared large, but once I resized the board, it was pretty much back to normal, and perhaps a little fresher looking. I'm not having any problems on Firefox 66.0.…

Lichess Feedback - But why do I need a "better" browser?#26

@Doofenshmirtz Not me, but truly impressive!

Lichess Feedback - But why do I need a "better" browser?#21

I'm not sure what the fuss is about; I'm still playing on a ZX81 with 1KB memory pack plugged into the back. Everything is fine - I just have to make sure I don't get too excited and wobble the table …

Lichess Feedback - Really impressed#1

Wow, this website is amazing. I discovered it a couple of weeks ago, and have been playing the odd live game. I've just completed my first two correspondence games on this site, and finally discovered…
