
Search "user:Flo0805"

15 forum posts
Game analysis - Ich bräuchte Hilfe: Tipps & Tricks, das kleine Schach 1x1#2

Moin, 12-1400 ist für einen Anfänger definitiv ein sehr guter Start. Du machst aber einige Fehler, die du wenn du besser werden willst dringend ändern solltest. 1. spielst du deutlich zu schnell. Wenn…

General Chess Discussion - Why wouldn't black move the rook out of danger in this puzzle instead of taking the pawn?#7

@Hatanga Thanks, i hope that i was able to help you aswell here:) @slimmybim Yes, you are right

General Chess Discussion - Why wouldn't black move the rook out of danger in this puzzle instead of taking the pawn?#2

This is a nice puzzle. The idea is after f5 to play f6 after black moves his rook to safety to create a mate threat on g7. If this pawn is captured Rg8 Qd8 Rxd8 is mate. So Black has to play Qf8 to de…

General Chess Discussion - What books do you recommend? I am 1300 right now#2

I think that you should stick to only standard and only one time control to get used to that time control. that being said ultrabullet and bullet are not good to improve. If you really want to improve…

General Chess Discussion - Can someone check some of my Rapid games and tell what type of player I am?#2

You should focus on developing your pieces before trying something.You often move pieces several times while having others undeveloped. also try to castle fast if your not familiar with an opening so …

General Chess Discussion - What is my chess rating?#4

Surely it is Blitz 1500 given the amount of blitz games you have played

General Chess Discussion - My YouTube#9

You should get banned for advertising like this

Game analysis - Mate in 1 blunder#4

Yes surely a 1600 will give up a rook for a pawn in a 45 min game for no reason...

General Chess Discussion - True or False#5

You call it beating when he did not even move and then defend that position? Pathetic

General Chess Discussion - I have 35 rated blitz games and my rating still "provisional".#2

Yes, obviously serious players don‘t want to play someone using an engine. Thats just a waste of time
