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37 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - is this move possible to find or is it a computer line?#9

@Akbar2thegreat said in #7: > Damn! 29. Qxg4 was missed. White lost a dominating game I reckon. yeah I played that one too quickly sad, it would have been a good perf and I was happy with my defense s…

General Chess Discussion - is this move possible to find or is it a computer line?#8

@MrPushwood said in #4: > You mean Kg3? It's either that or Kg1 (and often g3 is a relatively safer square). ok, TIL so counter intuitive I wouldn't even have considered the move. I think if I had cal…

General Chess Discussion - is this move possible to find or is it a computer line?#3

yeah, given that the analysis said it was a blunder, I could have guessed that I'm talking about the best move for white in this position

General Chess Discussion - is this move possible to find or is it a computer line?#1

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#29

@Chesserroo2 said in #25: >If they keep playing at the same move pace but he isn't, that's the point. in the example I gave, the guy used 1:30 for his first 10 moves,blundered, then used 13 minutes fo…

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#27

@Chesserroo2 said in #23: > I understood you loud and clear the first time. the rest of your answer shows you didn't. Neither the first time nor the second If you really want my answer to this, I happ…

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#24

@guywexler said in #22: > I think you are right and wrong, I agree with your point, but if the position is full of tactics or potentially stalemate traps, I think the opponent should think, to try to …

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#21

the exact effect I have no clue

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#19

@Gianni_Rizzola said in #18: > Could the message just be a deterrent to prevent players from letting time run out instead of leaving the game? no, I think this is a real thing, just not immediate to a…

General Chess Discussion - time management and sportsmanship#17

@Chesserroo2 said in #16: > Sounds like OP only likes winning not playing. If your position is won, prove it. And if your opponent wants to practice defense, they may. If you don't like long games, or…
