
Search "user:EthanProd"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why do I play completely shit some days?#9

@MagicAce1988 We play shit when we think we are ready/prepared for games, whereas we aren't. I guess it just shows that we players love this game so much, in that we can't stop wanting to move pieces …

General Chess Discussion - What do you think about the "don't resign" philosophy?#61

You don't exactly need to hope that your opponent blunders. It's like we leave it to the fact that humans are prone to err at some point, talk about psychological effect

General Chess Discussion - Hilariously bad tempered opponents#6

I think the dude just wanted to leave you worried after you beat him. An awful after-game strategy...

General Chess Discussion - When you blunder your Queen, do you pause a few seconds to let the pain sink in?#19

When I blunder out a queen, the next thing I think of is resigning (after feeling up to 2.8 seconds of pain)
