
Search "user:ErikSkov"

48 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Alireza wins a 13th Titled Arena.#25

Congrats Alireza! But then explain one thing to me, Why were you almost obliterated in your match with Magnus on the night of 22. of February?

Game analysis - I winned stockfish level 8#3

@Pau_Rotger_Carro Easy to explain! Next time you play against SF 8 try to play by the rules!!! No takebacks is allowed, but don't stop playing chess it is all about having fun! Best regards Erik Skov

General Chess Discussion - How do I become a lichess coach?#11

@petri999 Agree with you! But one thing that's interesting is if we assume there has been a 3% inflation in ELO since Fischer became Champ his rating in 2020 would be around 2870. Is this possible? I …

General Chess Discussion - How do I become a lichess coach?#8

@TryHardinq Regarding ELO inflation it is often mentioned that there is an inflation, I've been playing chess since 1968 and I'd like to see some proof to back up this statement. Are you able to do it…

General Chess Discussion - Defence or Defense?#12

@pawnmulch Interesting, and how do you write fence? Do you write fense? You know defence is defending a fence so it must be defence (Big smile). How many did you send back across the pond back in 1776…

General Chess Discussion - Defence or Defense?#5

@Mezmer Correct! I am danish and we learn British english at school and we write defence with a c! They use the s in USA, but it is the same word and meaning of it! You also write harbor in USA and ha…

General Chess Discussion - Will Alireza Firouzja be Carlsen's next biggest competitor?#51

@AkshatSG Magnus has arranged tournaments lately all in shorter time controls and has won them all except the one Naka won, so to me Magnus is trying to determind who is the best player of today in bu…

General Chess Discussion - who is the GM ??

If C9C9C9C9C9 is Magnus, there is one thing that can indicate that is correct and that's no encounter between an account of Magnus and C9C9C9C9C9, a player of such a strength will play against Magnus …

General Chess Discussion - Magnus wins Katara International Bullet Tournament Final#56

@Kaidanov As said by Gary Lineker, and he is right!

General Chess Discussion - Magnus wins Katara International Bullet Tournament Final#52

@aayushchess Magnus can't follow anyone! Why? Because he is first the leader and nr. 1, to follow someone means that you are max nr. 2. Btw. who should he follow?
