
Search "user:EphemeralAdvantage"

27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#15

@aVague I am not turning off analysis, I am turning off computer analysis. New moves should be able to show, just without the input from the engine, that is what disabling computer analysis is for.

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#13

@nadjarostowa "seems to be impossible to get it meaningfully right" I am not sure that is true but if you are a programmer or software engineer I will believe you. Again: this is not a problem for the…

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#12

@aVague You are literally showing an image were you have played 20. Rfd1 and it does not show on the text box on the right. What is so hard to understand? You are here …

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#9

@Anon581 You are showing me this game: You are on the 20th move. You have played the engine's proposal 20. Rfd1 instead of your move 20. Ne5 but the text box on the right…

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#6

@Anon581 Thank you, this makes sense. I do import the games in studies, just noticed that because I was looking at the game of the month. As I said, it is not an actual problem, just noticed it and th…

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#3

No it is not a problem of connection. You can try it out yourself: 1. Go to any game that has been analyzed in Lichess 2. Find an inaccuracy, mistake or blunder and see what the computer suggested ins…

Lichess Feedback - Moves not showing when you have computer analysis disabled and choose the engine's reccomendation#1

I usually have the engine on Lichess disabled. Today I was looking at the game of the month for January (here: and doing some analysis. On move 3 I played 3. ... c5 for b…

Lichess Feedback - Why change the "newspaper" board theme#1

Why did Lichess change the "newspaper" board theme? I am probably one of 3 users that prefers this but I really don't understand the need to change it. The diagonal lines now don't reach all the way t…

Community Blog Discussions - Identifying Brilliant Moves With Leela Chess Zero#28

@TotalNoob69 There is a difference between Gotham screaming about rook sacrifices and using a notation that has been part of chess since the first Informator. One is obviously a joke, they other tries…

Community Blog Discussions - Identifying Brilliant Moves With Leela Chess Zero#26

The problem with using engines to determine when a move is brilliant has been shown by the hundreds of short videos that have flooded the internet since implemented it into their game analys…
