
Search "user:DaviatorGM"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Moderators#1

Lichess moderators will probably take this down soon because it makes them look bad. Let me start from the beginning... Around 3 months ago, I first applied to become a verified lichess streamer, crea…

Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#10

I tried the board resize it doesn't work for me :(

Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#6

My board is way too big for my screen and I can't even play anymore. I've been on lichess for around 3 years (on 2 different accounts), but I am seriously considering quitting now.

Lichess Feedback - Why I quit#8

You probably lost that game because your opponent had a little over 0 seconds but since you play on phone, it only showed 0
