
Search "user:Dantes-Edmond"

170 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - - Songs About Planes Trains and Automobiles -#43

@Tenakel . Enjoyed your posts. Along with Love Train we have The Theme Music to Soul Train. In addition I added two other train songs that the beat of the songs mimics the sound of trains. 1 Long Trai…

General Chess Discussion - Low elo resignation etiquette#31

If I am playing someone and they don't resign a totally lost game, it doesn't bother me. That is their right. I just play on and try to learn somethings about endgames etc. If I am losing I may play o…

Off-Topic Discussion - Tell me a joke#40

Not a funny joke in the whole lot So here are two more. 1. A chess player, a talking parrot, and a Rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender say, "What is this some kind of a joke?" 2. A bartender says, "I…

Lichess Feedback - Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab#3

The flat score or rating becomes exactly meaningless without the percentile. My rating of 1625 would be equally as impactful if 16.25 or 162500 Sad.

Lichess Feedback - Shifted#1

When I go to "profiles" and look at "activity" (games played) charts are shifted to the left edge of he screen instead of being centered.

General Chess Discussion - why do stockfish think that gambits SUCK?#13

Engines are stupid when it comes to game theory. An engine prefers to lose more slowly rather than mix it up with an outre move--a Hail Mary pass.

Lichess Feedback - Simuls#1

I check for simuls many times a day. It's hard to catch one. Any tips on catching one?

Lichess Feedback - Simul#3

@Curieuil Thanks for your reply. Simul with GM Dynamikus. I was one of first three on the board.

Lichess Feedback - Simul#1

I thought I was set to be in a simul. Then it started and I was not?

Off-Topic Discussion - Saddest quotes#14

Well, can't we still be friends?
