
Search "user:Corwin777"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess pairing has become intolerably slow in the past three weeks#3

Not sure if this is accurate or not but it also seems to take longer and longer to pair the closer you are to the bottom of the rating range. So if I am 1910 trying to get a game 1900-2000 it seems to…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess pairing has become intolerably slow in the past three weeks#2

Should also mention that this is under "Play->Create a Game:" menu.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess pairing has become intolerably slow in the past three weeks#1

I used to get paired super quick when creating a rated game. Usually I create a game like 1+0, within 100 points of my current rating. So if my rating was 1920, I would create a quick pairing 1900-200…

Lichess Feedback - Stop someone from Auto observing each game?#23

@Toadofsky I don't think it really matters why the block was initiated. But lets proposes a hypothetical: user A and B play a game. B wins the game but the whole time A is doing annoying things like c…

Lichess Feedback - Stop someone from Auto observing each game?#20

One poster said it well - seeing the person in the chat is very annoying. I shouldn't have to see the name of someone who was harassing me every time I play a game. Its similar to playing a friendly g…

Lichess Feedback - Stop someone from Auto observing each game?#3

Thats what I am saying. If a spectator is blocked they should not be able to observe the game and not be able to harass you by observing every game you play.

Lichess Feedback - Stop someone from Auto observing each game?#1

I have blocked a user. But they have some kind of program that auto observes every game I play and they show up in the chat so I see their name for every game. How do I prevent this while still keepin…
