
Search "user:CenturyGaming"

59 forum posts
Lichess Bots Championship - Information to play matches#10

1. Bot @AttackingOrDefending : Engine: Stockfish Threads: 2 Hash: 1-4GB 2. Contact: @centurygaming on lichess 3. Availability: Contact me. Don't challenge the bot without me knowing.

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General Chess Discussion - Shouldn't I be able to castle here(Fischer Random)#2

I think that you can't play a move because it is long castle and the king should go to c1 and rook to d1.

General Chess Discussion - text-to-speech plugin to read moves.#2

Click your name in lichess, then sound and finally speech. In slow games it is good but in fast games e.g. bullet it can be 10 or more moves back because it is telling every move even if a new move is…
