
Search "user:Carandol"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - When your rating is provisional#9

The rating swings are because you've not played many games of that particular type. Basically your grade is based on the results of your last few games, and the grades of your opponents. So, if you've…

Lichess Feedback - what happened to lichess right now#9

Was any data lost? I played some games a few hours ago, before the server went down, but they're not listed in my my profile.

Off-Topic Discussion - Lets just chat!#3

About days past, and yet to come?

Game analysis - how to analysis?#7

Found it , was expecting tabs to be at top - my mistake Thanks for trying to help

Game analysis - how to analysis?#6

I don't see any tabs

Game analysis - how to analysis?#4

My computer isn't showing a "request computer analysis" button. It did earlier today but now its stopped. Why? Hiw can I get it back again?
