
Search "user:CaptainDubious"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Challenge a Player Broken?#5

Ah yes, Play with A Friend works. But that old feature of just clicking the two swords on the homepage doesn't work.

Lichess Feedback - Challenge a Player Broken?#1

When I click the two swords, there is no longer an option to make a new challenge. The only work-around is to search a player, pull up their profile, and then click the swords on their profile to chal…

Lichess Feedback - New Account Banned from My Tournament. I know the player and he shouldn't have been banned!#9

Lichess reinstated the account after the player appealed. Thanks, moderators! Though this caused a massive headache for our tournament, we were prepared for false positives and resorted to one of our …

Lichess Feedback - New Account Banned from My Tournament. I know the player and he shouldn't have been banned!#5

I know I can't appeal for others, but as a TD it's worth letting Lichess and other TDs know this is happening. This tournament was for our state's Denker Nomination for the USCF Tournament of State Ch…

Lichess Feedback - New Account Banned from My Tournament. I know the player and he shouldn't have been banned!#1

My name in Chad Lykins and I am the TD for the Oregon Scholastic State Championship. Here is our team page: Our top board, Shunkai Peng (Ang…

Lichess Feedback - Sonneborn-Berger is the first Lichess Swiss tie-break. What are the second and third tie-breaks?#1

We are hosting our state championship on Lichess and want to make sure tie-breaks are clear to the players. 1st tiebreak: Sonneborn-Berger 2nd tiebreak: Performance rating? 3rd tiebreak: ? Do head-to-…

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