
Search "user:Calanthe"

202 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Adapting nnue-pytorch's binary position format for Lichess#21

@jaxu said in #20: > The occupancy bitboard is only 1 bit per square, so it's read in row-major order. How would you know where the kings are just from the piece section? Aahh, I misunderstood here. Y…

Community Blog Discussions - Adapting nnue-pytorch's binary position format for Lichess#19

Just a question here, perhaps a chance to enhance encoding a tiny bit once again. During Alan Turing's discovery of solving the Enigma machine, he noticed that every message always ended in "Heil Hitl…

General Chess Discussion - A question regarding twitch stream#6

@Kidaccounthere1200pv said in #2: > PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION NO

Lichess Feedback - bug report#1

In this game: I premoved to a rook in the last move (because why not). My opponent resigned, but the rook kept ghosting, even when scrolling through the game. I don't …

Lichess Feedback - How to delete streamers page?#1

Basically the Subject Title ^ I don't see an option to delete the streamers page and trophy on my account.

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General Chess Discussion - What is up with @FlamingFM?#5

Angelo Diablo had a brain-damaged bonobo named Behaard the retaard. One day Angelo discovered that Behaard was suffering from a priapism. He went to the internet and found a video giving instructions …

General Chess Discussion - How to reach 2000 bullet ??#11

Improve your tactics, go and play some fast puzzles. That should help

General Chess Discussion - Lichess social media#2

Instructions unclear. Knight stuck on h8.
