
Search "user:BrilliantAdam"

63 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Question about Engine (Stockfish 11 vs. 13 NNUE)#3

I bet you didn't use the same browser for each computer. I always encounter the same issue when I change the browser (chrome) to a different browser, I believe it happens due to some browsers compatib…

Lichess Feedback - Wrong Puzzle (#P9Nzv) Rating: 2548#3

Oh, I didn't notice. Thank you I'll delete the topic.

General Chess Discussion - Does Stockfish understand the principles of chess?#11

@petri999 Thank you a lot for your helpful and instructive answer, I really appreciate it. I was actually heading to develop my project from (A to Z) but your answer guided me to the right path.

General Chess Discussion - Does Stockfish understand the principles of chess?#8

@ig_chesssnail Wow, That's so nice! I'm looking forward developing a chess engine as well, but I'm stuck at how to make it understand positions like grandmasters do

General Chess Discussion - Does Stockfish understand the principles of chess?#6

@nooboss Well, the link you provided only describes the algorithms behind searching and constructing trees to start evaluating positions.. but it doesn't answer my question (How does it evaluate posit…

General Chess Discussion - Does Stockfish understand the principles of chess?#1

Hello People, I was wondering about how "Stockfish" is working. Does it understand chess like (opening principles, positional play like weak and strong squares, activated/inactivated pieces, endgame p…

Lichess Feedback - stylus themes, background image url not working in analysis and puzzles#4

Thank you a lot @Solal35

Lichess Feedback - stylus themes are not working after last updates!#1

Hello Lichess, Stylus is no longer working after the last update, everything is hidden in analysis board. Styles themes only work fine during games, but in analysis + study are hidden. Thank you Team,…

Lichess Feedback - stylus themes, background image url not working in analysis and puzzles#2

same issue

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