
Search "user:BlueAgave"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I move to slow, and they won't fix it...#1

I do ok... just can't hear the critical time warning. Just too focused on the game. Wish they'd give more options with sound, especially with critical time (flashing, different sounds pings, something…

Lichess Feedback - Please make the low timer buzzer louder, adjustable, or board flash.#4

Will this be an new feature in the near future? @lichess

Lichess Feedback - Please make the low timer buzzer louder, adjustable, or board flash.#3

@all_used_up said in #2: > I would hate a flashing board. Very distracting. OK as an option though, of course. I'm not keen on the sound when time gets critical but it's better than nothing. What I'd …

Lichess Feedback - Please make the low timer buzzer louder, adjustable, or board flash.#1

I can't see the clock when playing bullet games. I never hear it. It would be nice to make it adjustable, or even a flashing board to let me know when time is low.

Lichess Feedback - No sound for checkmate#6

I'm having the issue on all my computers. It's with the "standard" sound.

Lichess Feedback - Please, give more options to the alert sound.#1

I personally do not hear the short time alert. When I play an unrated game, I hear it. I would love to be able to change the setting with this. Please add more controls like volume, different sounds, …

General Chess Discussion - Time Warning... can't hear it.#1

Anyway we can increase the volume of the low on time sound? Would also be nice if we can change it.

Lichess Feedback - Delay when starting a new needs to be much shorter!#1

Why is there a 20 sec delay to play a Bullet game? It's so annoying to wait to play speed chess when you start a game and have to wait 20 secs for your opponent to start. The option for "quick pairing…
