
Search "user:BlackBishop9319"

82 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#212

Wow, do you not relize that was a joke? I try and say some weird idea and, "oh, now he beleives that he can fly just because he said he did it in a dream!"

Off-Topic Discussion - The problems with Catholicism#31

what do you mean by "changed the world?" Making more people catholic? Because we just showed how it disagrees with fundamental concepts in the Bible.

Off-Topic Discussion - The problems with Catholicism#29

@TheLordOfLight "All Churches are imperfect" "criticize others who have ACTUALLY changed the world already" so your arguaments are, "we are imperfect and aren't gonna try to be better?" And "you shoul…

Off-Topic Discussion - Creation vs. Atheism#200

I thought this was pretty intersting. I came up with the idea that maybe god can create a rock too heavy for him to lift, AND he can lift it. But we just can't understand how that works. Kind of a jok…

Off-Topic Discussion - The problems with Catholicism#25

@TheLordOfLight comment #19 " a horrible war that would've ended Christianity from the beginning." 1st of all, if you have read the Bible before, you would know that christianity won't die out. Isreal…

Off-Topic Discussion - Death - Heaven or Hell?#39

Out of body experiences huh? what was it like? I highly doubt that any of the 10% of people have actually had that. That is something that alot of pentacostal people claim. The Bible says nothing abou…

Off-Topic Discussion - Death - Heaven or Hell?#35

@Sneakmasterflex you are confusing me. What exactly do you beleive? hard to read if it's sarcasm.

Off-Topic Discussion - Death - Heaven or Hell?#32

"almost feasible" think about the headless corpse that is left behind. It doesn't have a soul. The soul doesn't split. If they managed to succeed in head transplants, I would say either the bodies don…

Off-Topic Discussion - Death - Heaven or Hell?#12

@homo-ludens-x Whoa, slow down, there is no such thing as karma. Much less evidence of it. According to the Bible, we have sinned against God and already deserve to go to Hell. God is holy and demands…

Off-Topic Discussion - Nadal or Djokovic?#4

Novak Djoker is the best. He may not have beaten nadal more times, but he is still better all around.
