
Search "user:Bee3D"

65 forum posts
Game analysis - Stockfish wont calculate moves#1

I was doing analysis for the daily puzzle and Stockfish got stuck. I gave it 1gb of ram and 2 CPUs (though it barely used any CPU) and waited a few minutes. I was looking through the game wh…

General Chess Discussion - Rook & bishop mate#5

@Skittle-Head said in #3: > Rook and Bishop mate, is called an "Opera Mate" - :] - - @Bee3D After looking at it, it doesn't appear to be Opera Mate. However, af…

General Chess Discussion - Rook & bishop mate#1

Hello, I have seen this mate before and would like to know if it has a name. I also want some resources related to the mate. i.e. the history, usages, popular games, etc. Thanks in advance! FEN: 2k3r1…

General Chess Discussion - The give more time button is a tool of abuse, and you can't turn it of in anonymous play#2

1. The give-time tool can be extremely useful if you have a kind opponent. For instance, if you say "hey my mom is calling me brb" and they give you 30 seconds, that is a good use of the tool. When yo…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle vs normal elo#1

I have a very high puzzle elo but a rather low normal elo. This is partially because I take my time and partially because I haven't played normally in a while. With my current puzzle elo, what rating …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess direct message#5

lichess just wants me to enable 2fa :P

Off-Topic Discussion - What does S stand for?#40

The first word that I thought of was "centipede" :facepalm:

Game analysis - Ever played a game where you just incinerated your opponent from start to finish?#14

Yes. Worstfish got destroyed

General Chess Discussion - People want usernames.#6

Lichess doesn't do this because the names would probably be taken by another user who instantly goes inactive. If they were to make certain names available then they would either use the discord tag s…

General Chess Discussion - How can I improve at chess super fast?#16

@ShreksGonGiveItToYa said in #14: > @Bee3D I hate openings! I can give you to bits of helpful advice. 1. Don't play while drunk 2. Use the tools on lichess. Opening explorer, puzzles, and studies.
