
Search "user:Arunava_cca"

5 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Why is my license id banned ?#1

I can't understand why my license id is banned. I have not cheated at any game nor I have another id. How can I unblock my id????

General Chess Discussion - Shocking Checkmate!!!!#1 As you can see I was completely losing but then I checkmated him. I myself was shocked when I won. Do tell me how you liked this match...

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you guys think I'm a bad player.#6

@BKrivi09 said in #5: > 600 IS the lowest think how people lower than You Feel. You're right !!!

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you guys think I'm a bad player.#1

You see I can play at all. Most of the time I lose. Have you all got some advice.

General Chess Discussion - Chess openings#1

Can anyone subject me some major chess opening? I think I need to know some more openings to improve my game.
