
Search "user:AnUnrated"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What's your USCF/FIDE rating compared to lichess classical rating?#2

I'm about 2000 rapid / classical here, while only about 1400 USCF as a junior. Honestly, it seems like 2000 classical isn't very strong, with multiple of my games ending with simple tactics, although …

General Chess Discussion - Average opponent ELO#2

Average of all games you played. I've been improving at rapid but my average opponent is still around 1830.

Lichess Feedback - Blocking from playing#3

So you're saying that you will refuse to play if your opponent has a higher blitz rating than classical? These are two different time controls, and people might be better at one. Also, it seems like y…

General Chess Discussion - What age is too late to become a good chess player?#40

As long as you study and work somewhat seriously on chess you can probably get to a good rating, especially because you probably have a decent amount of free time. In comparison, I started to play ser…
