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34 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Multiple Games#17

I guess the only thing that doesn't seem to work is actually queing up multiple real-time games yourself. It has to come from challenges or that playing-and-joining-a-tournament-trick. Or using the si…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple Games#13

@MAGU24 said in #12: > Yes, this is the same obstacle which I have encountered. I couldn’t find the answer on the FAQ page. It seems some people in this thread are able to do it so I guess it's a rand…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple Games#10

@tijilsingh I stand corrected then. Whenever I play a classical game and try to start a new one I get the error "You can't start a new game until this one is finished." I suspect there is something wr…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple Games#7

#6 That is true, I forgot about correspondence games. However multiple real time games will not work from the same account unless it's a simul. (I've tried).

Lichess Feedback - lichess mobile app (v7.12.0) is not working#14

@benwerner said in #9: > It's most likely the same issue everybody else is having on PCs with outdated OSs. The proper solution would be to update to Android 7.1.1 or higher but I guess that's not eas…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple Games#3

Yes, you can use the simultaneous function. If you create a simul it will not be public, unless you're a titled player, so you'd have to invite people to the event. Apart from that you can not play se…

General Chess Discussion - No matter how much I practice chess tactics I can't apply it to the games of mine#11

Tactics are very useful but too many tactics might get one into the thinking that there is a tactic in every single game or position which there simply isn't. Continue with tactics but play principle …

General Chess Discussion - Help with the London System#5

@MrPushwood said in #4: > Good to hear you're having problems with the London! lmao On topic: Study your opening, use opening books and explorers, memorize the positions you've had and learn from your…

General Chess Discussion - I have lost 7 Rapid games in a row#5

Eat well, sleep well, study your lost games in depth, study puzzles, relax, practice. Good luck in the tourney!

General Chess Discussion - Finding his own games on lichess#5

Yeah, that was an awesome site @Mahith1708
