
Search "user:Altair61"

70 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - correspondence tournaments #4 is a good site specialized in correspondence

Game analysis - Lost position after only 2 inaccuracies#8

Normally the "triggers" are: "White has a won position" 1.4 "White has the better position" 0.7 "White is slightly better" 0.35 These are the standard values used by many chess engines The unit (1.0) …

Game analysis - Lost position after only 2 inaccuracies#3

Yes, I understand perfectly why black's position is bad (lost ?), what I don't understand is why Stockfish qualifies 12....g6 as inaccuracy, while it should be "Blunder" or at least "Mistake"...Also h…

Game analysis - Lost position after only 2 inaccuracies#1 White lost by timeout (!), but the fact is that black has a lost or quasi lost position (Stockfish evaluation + 1.3), while no mistake nor blunders were played...just …

General Chess Discussion - it's not logical #18

And, according to you, dear Pinokio2021, if a player uses a chess engine during a simul what time should he have for the game ?

General Chess Discussion - it's not logical #3

Let's say we have 10 players, each having 30 minutes for his game... How much time has the host to play each game ? And how much time, accordind to your logic, should he have ?

General Chess Discussion - Comportement de Votre promoteur#11

@Cojluk Oui, et je le parle probablement mieux que toi, mon petit; la preuve c'est que personne ici ne comprend vraiment de quoi tu plus, on ecrit "avez" pas "aavez", et grammaticalement t…

General Chess Discussion - Comportement de Votre promoteur#4

Moi qui pensais comprendre le francais...

General Chess Discussion - Cheating issues#50

I'm playing bullet and have the following observations: 1) I'm having relatively good scores against "Strong players" (2200...2400), while quite bad against weaker (< 2100). It's not just a feeling, m…

Off-Topic Discussion - Rosetta Stone Project#6

Est-ce que la défense est-indienne ou l'ouverture italienne est indiqué pour les débutants aux échecs ?
