
Search "user:AlphaCentaur"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Carlsen ekes out another Topsy Turvy Titled Arena Victory#99

Apologies for the pedantry, but the article has a few double spaces, at "by the narrowest of margins. In addition to" "cowed by such novelties. One of Carlsen's" "one of which future generations" "a m…

General Chess Discussion - Developer update: 275% improved game compression#31

This site is amazing for chess, and for the technical solutions you guys come up with. Thank you for informing the community of the background changes. Unfortunately, only few developers do this, but …

Lichess Feedback - Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)#34

Regarding #32, I am not talking about placing a number of downvotes next to a username. First, in this system, upvotes should not only be possible, but probably even more common than downvotes (Perhap…

Lichess Feedback - Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)#31

What about the player votes/downvotes only being available to moderators, but the total number visible to anyone? Then a special button that flags a player or game for moderator review for timing down…

Lichess Feedback - Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)#13

The current tournament mode gives players a certain time to play as many games as they wish. The faster a game is won (or finished otherwise, but we are looking at the winning case), the faster you ca…

Lichess Feedback - Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)#10

The initial goal of what I suggested was a way to fight unsporting behaviour. Downvoting players would be a possible solution, and adding a slight cost to the downvoter themselves might discourage dow…

Lichess Feedback - Player Reputation System? (Feature Request / Discussion)#1

It seems that the problem of timing down on tournaments and other unsporting behavior has no solution yet. I did a quick search on the forums and found no similar suggestion yet (although I did expect…

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