
Search "user:Acerook"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should this really be checkmate?#5

3 Questions to ask yourself it this checkmate: 1. Can you move to safety? 2. Can you capture the checking piece? 3. Can you interpose a piece between the check? It all is no then Game is over, Checkma…

LM Acerook
Lichess Feedback - Glitches#4 e4 c6 d4 ... I already played d5 but it registered e6 fyi so may oppoent played c4 which luckily he was nice enough to give me a draw... same bug ~Acerook

LM Acerook
Game analysis - I won a MN#2

Well when the pieces can't move after this terrible update, I would think that you could beat an NM after losing all your pieces Good Game Azuaga~!

LM Acerook