
Search "pineapple pizza"

802 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#11

@HailstormChessPlayer said in #4: > Please, pizzas are supposed to be spicy, I thought!! ;-; > > I demand a ban on pineapples! There are better fruits! Pizzas are supposed to be spicy. The chillies, p…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#8

Yes, @HerkyHawkeye . I said "many people" deride pineapple for others. Not all. Most of them do not live in New Jersey, however. In my experience, people from New Jersey are open to new experience. So…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#6

Many people rightfully shout out in favor of diversity, and then ... turn around and deride the innocent pineapple on the pizza of others! The world lacks consistency. But let us strive for consistenc…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#5

that’s enough i’m not ready for another pineapple pizza discussion..

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#4

@MIHIR_KATTI said in #1: > I feel it doesn't. Please, pizzas are supposed to be spicy, I thought!! ;-; I demand a ban on pineapples! There are better fruits!

Off-Topic Discussion - Does Pinapple belong on pizza?#2

NOOOOOOOOO don't you remember Pineapple Lichess World War I??????

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you eat pineapple pizza while smoking weed and playing chess and voting for Joe Biden?#5

Alternative name for psychopath

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you eat pineapple pizza while smoking weed and playing chess and voting for Joe Biden?#4

I'm not low enough to vote for Birdbrain.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you eat pineapple pizza while smoking weed and playing chess and voting for Joe Biden?#3

Honestly call me crazy, but that sounds nice but I don’t smoke and Joe Biden is a bit meh ish.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you eat pineapple pizza while smoking weed and playing chess and voting for Joe Biden?#2

Playing chess is certainly not like voting for Joe Biden. That's for sure.
