
Search "user:unitywolf"

45 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Match seconds with depth#2

SF 16 · 7MBNNUE Depth 37/99 · 6.6 Mn/s Time 30 second Dell G15 5525 AMD Ryzen 5 6600H 3.30 GHz 16Gb RAM

General Chess Discussion - Is there a principial difference between 2000 and 2200?#8

@MIHIR_KATTI said in #2: > your principal is 2,000. What do you mean?

General Chess Discussion - Is there a principial difference between 2000 and 2200?#7

@Ranger_ein said in #4: > Currently i am around 1800, at this level blunder happens. That is one of my problem, also at certain endgames i am not familiar how to play, like rook endgame. Literally i t…

Off-Topic Discussion - if higher educated people know better and they run the world,why does the world suck so much?#33

It would suck even more if ruled by not educated

General Chess Discussion - Is there a principial difference between 2000 and 2200?#1

I was surprised when i hit 2000 in RAPID because it was much easier than i thought it's going to be. I started at~1300 and it was much harder for me to hit 1800. But after i've read some courses i wen…

General Chess Discussion - Какой пинг нужен?#2

80 и ниже хороший пинг даже для шутеров. 4 секунды снимать не может, значит дело не в пинге

General Chess Discussion - Low elo resignation etiquette#22

On the last tournament i had a chance to observe two another players where one of them was definitely loosing. But the other winning one couldn't find an obvious way to finish the game, then he blunde…

General Chess Discussion - How to reach 2200 lichess rating in 4 months?#10

@DrHack said in #7: > It took me 7 years. I only just got it today. Bullet flex. > > Good luck on the 4 months idea. I hope you get it. Doesn't mean it tooks 7 years for everybody tho

General Chess Discussion - How to reach 2200 lichess rating in 4 months?#9

@MrPushwood said in #3: > Why, did you make a bet or something? Do NM's have a hobby of posting useless answers in every topic they can find or what

General Chess Discussion - Глюк в игре#2

Это был нестандартный вариант шахмат типа "поддавки". Чтобы играть в нормальный вариант шахмат нажми "Игра" в левом верхнем углу сайта если играешь с компьютера, далее увидишь "быстрый старт" и "зал о…
