
Search "user:pj_diesel"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Solid Opening for Black ?#19

When I play the caro kann a surprisingly large number of opponents just go for the exchange variation. Sometimes I feel that the theory I did learn isn't helping me that much. It's probably useful to …

Game analysis - Liquidation to a winning endgame.#5

10. Qh5+ Nf7 and then 11. Nd5 seems promising to me, if black's queen moves to the wrong square you could have some mate threats. There's a few different lines to calculate, but to me it seems white h…

Lichess Feedback - Notifications for certain type of tournament?#4

In the play menu you can click Arena Tournaments which will show the schedule of upcoming tournaments. Weekly Classical tournaments are every Friday afternoon(in my time zone).

Game analysis - 0 Centipawn Loss#8

I got 12 ACPL in a 3 minute blitz game. Probably the best I've ever done considering the time control.

Game analysis - Three-check duplicate#3

The other game isn't mine, it's one that showed up when I analyzed mine. I just thought it was an interesting occurrence to have two games played out the exact same way.

Game analysis - Three-check duplicate#1

A game I recently played, and one from 6 years ago. Early move order is a little different, but the final position is the same.

Lichess Feedback - Should't there be tournaments for beginners (which could be won by beginners)?#28

I enjoy playing in tournaments, even though I have never won, and likely never will. The majority of my games played are tournament games, because it's an opportunity to play against a wide range of o…

General Chess Discussion - When did you reach 1800+ rating ?#43

My Rapid rating was over 1800 as soon as it stabilized, but it took six months to get from my lowest blitz rating(around 1530) to 1800 for the first time. My highest blitz rating was 1828, but I'm cur…

Game analysis - Please analyze my game-LOST#17

18. Ba6+ and then 19. Nd5+ win the black's queen.

Game analysis - Stockfish oddity#1

In this position Stockfish evaluates a mate in 4. However, after White makes the recommended move(I have to say I'm proud of myself for finding it with less than 30 seconds on the clock) it switches t…
