
Search "user:kleiner0"

55 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 1. E4 e5 Ba6#7

that's why i pre-move only forced moves and don't gamble.

General Chess Discussion - uso di programmini #3

@nicola3366 puoi bloccare chi vuoi, devi andare sul profilo dell'utente e cliccare il bottone "blocca". Puoi anche segnalare un utente ai moderatori. Come ha detto Icepofreeze, ricordati che con le pr…

General Chess Discussion - Chess. Climate change#18

i guess there are more google servers than chess servers. Let's shift the blame on google :D

General Chess Discussion - Kindness#8

my correspondance rating is highly inflated, even if it was 3000 i would not care. It's a fake rating (especially the correspondance one where i can move the pieces, consult opening books, consult gam…

General Chess Discussion - Players that let the time clock run out should be charged double points#3

i block them and claim the victory. in blitz unfortunately a lot of people leave the game with minutes on the clock. Often it's because they are losing (or they think they are losing) or have blundere…

Game analysis - TIDE TURNS QUICK#2

all normal, i have had many games in blitz were i was 2-3 pieces ahead, clearly winning (in one case (bullet 2+1) i was +54 (not kidding plus fifty four)). But it's enough to miss a mate in one and th…

Game analysis - Unstable Stockfish evaluation#3

it happened to me too but only in endgame positions (but likely it happens in the middlegame too but it's more difficult to notice). I'm using online stockfish only for quick checks now, before i used…

General Chess Discussion - Kindness#5

it's just a virtual rating by the way. I don't care personally. If the opponent disconnects, i wait 30 secs and start anew game (and claim the victory later). Some people are just trolls that will aba…

General Chess Discussion - What's the point of resigning so early? Troll?#6

i see, yes probably he/she had an emergency

General Chess Discussion - What's the point of resigning so early? Troll?#1

My opponent decided to resign in the opening, not sure why.
