
Search "user:fluffy_cookie"

72 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Breaking News : Lasker5 is no more on Lichess !!!#19

@BKrivi09 said in #8: > *fact* > You can reopen acc one time *fact* You can reopen it infinitely

Off-Topic Discussion - Programmers#31

@Passionate_Player said in #4: > Don't tell me you use Scratch, please Nothing wrong with it Wikipedia classifies it as a high-level programming language (like Python & Java) even Kotlin is considered…

Off-Topic Discussion - what is the meaning of caustronaut?#15

#13: Fidel Castronaut

Lichess Feedback - Weird Bug/Hack/Glitch#13

That's just how atomic is, and as I was not counted as a check because both of your kings were just a square apart which means if his king exploded that would blow u…

General Chess Discussion - How to create custom pieces animation?#5

Probably needs some CSS work.

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Lichess Feedback - A time bug...#5 Arena Berserk >When a player clicks the Berserk button at the beginning of the game, they lose half of their clock time, but the win is worth one extra…

Off-Topic Discussion - Join my Club RealChessEnjoyers!#2 >Posts that are purely promotional are not welcome in the forum. We ask that you keep all advertisements outside of Lichess. This includes asking others to joi…

Lichess Feedback - What version of linux do lichess devs use ?#2

Thibault uses an Arch Linux with an i3 (at least that's what he said when I asked him on a stream)

Lichess Feedback - Zen mode in puzzles.#4

No, AFAIK you have to turn it off to go back to the main menu but that's kind of the point Zen mode clears clutter around so that you can focus on the puzzle and if you have to go back all it needs is…
