
Search "user:chessfan124"

721 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - do you have an inner voice#19

@ZIDAN_S said in #18: > You mean the inner voice when we drink water and it digests stomak sound inner voice it's when your internal monologue is like glup bloooorp

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your dark twin's name?#14

mine would be some kind of chesshater they are my shadow persona who hate chess and use extensive punctuation

Off-Topic Discussion - People who give thumbs down#30

@Letpchess said in #27: > if what you write does not provoke a response, whether positive or negative, in my mind, it is a wasted comment I'm not saying you are a troll but it feels like you got the s…

Off-Topic Discussion - Niemann lawsuit dismissed. Help me understand. Does the dismissal mean the beads were real?#17

@hisokaxhunter said in #16: > Hans should try to clear his name...and in the meantime maybe by start apologizing...or promoting fair chess play lol you think there are things he can say that will impr…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is there anyone who you love who is in Lichess?#14

no but many love me i got that chess rizz

Off-Topic Discussion - Did AI replace your job already?#5

@Autofill said in #3: > If an AI took mu job I would be extremely concerned, after all I am unemployed This is what AI taking jobs will look like. It won't be people getting fired and meeting their ro…

Off-Topic Discussion - Niemann lawsuit dismissed. Help me understand. Does the dismissal mean the beads were real?#14

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #13: > Yeah I mean, no wonder he lost that suit, but I'm just curious about how Carlsen thinks he cheated. Seems hard to me if he's sitting right in front of Carlsen. > > Li…

Off-Topic Discussion - People I really despise#2

wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped

Off-Topic Discussion - Niemann lawsuit dismissed. Help me understand. Does the dismissal mean the beads were real?#1

Off-Topic Discussion - Which books are you currently reading?#16

@Gerundium said in #15: > Are those titles real or fictitious? Because I was unsuccessful in tracking down #1. The linguistics were so spectral, almost intangible, maybe it's possible to find in Borge…
