
Search "user:YatrikPatel"

37 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Gambits List #13

@PepeMaster : It's unlikely to work against stronger opponents, though. In other words, it's an unsound gambit.

General Chess Discussion - Gambits List #11

@PepeMaster : Depending on how strong your opponent is, you can have different hopes. For example, I played the grob (1. g4?!) against a person I know (in real life), with the hope of winning the oppo…

General Chess Discussion - Gambits List #8

Remember that a gambit is a "chess opening in which a player ... sacrifices material, usually a pawn, with the hope of achieving a resulting advantageous position." (…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for a second#4

I see.

General Chess Discussion - Looking for a second#2

I think you I mean "I am a FIDE master..." EDIT: I think you haven't got around to changing your title on lichess.

General Chess Discussion - What Ratings for the top Chess Engines? #4

I don't think it really matters. What's important is that they are incredibly strong, at a level far above any human. However, if you want an answer to your question, the ratings depend on the player …

Game analysis - 0-0-0 game, 15 ACPL#5

@tpr : I couldn't actually move my pieces much (it was pretty closed), so I was just waiting for my opponent to give me an opportunity to attack.

Game analysis - 0-0-0 game, 15 ACPL#3

@Gr8_m8_m8_Im_ir8 : Thanks!

Game analysis - 0-0-0 game, 15 ACPL#1

This is by far the best game I have played. Surprisingly, my opponent made no error of any kind until 19.Rxe4?. After 21.Re1??, he left the game. Any suggestions?

Game analysis - An OK game (for my level). Any suggestions?#5

Thanks for your feedback. My reasoning for 12... Bxf3? was that there were many open files, meaning that a rook could be used effectively.
