
Search "user:Trey_Love"

24 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Creating studies: How to let the opponents move play instantly#7

yeah so to do that you need to not have the automated response. just leave the move reflection blank

Lichess Feedback - Creating studies: How to let the opponents move play instantly#6

oh, one sec I'm pretty sure that is possible but let me make sure

Lichess Feedback - Creating studies: How to let the opponents move play instantly#4

I am not explaining well so here is a step by step: 1. create a study and go under analysis mode in set-up. Hit interactive lesson, choose the starting position, and the color of whoever moves first. …

Lichess Feedback - Creating studies: How to let the opponents move play instantly#3

you need an interactive study, then set the game up with the solution and the opponent counter. You can also fill in the boxes with stuff like why other moves are wrong and variations too

General Chess Discussion - Easiest 2100 Puzzle#1

I was doing puzzles and came across this, pretty much free puzzle ELO:

Lichess Feedback - The [SLOW PUZZLES] Button on the puzzle storm results page#2

it represents the puzzles you took the most time on, much like failed puzzles filters by, well, puzzles failed I am not quite sure if there is a time limit before it passes into the slow section or if…

Lichess Feedback - This puzzle could have been one move longer#2

the puzzle is only 1939 rated, the queen move is a very quiet move so perhaps they ended it to make it simpler. That or they assumed anyone who got that far would make the move anyway, but less likely.

Lichess Feedback - There is multiple solutions of the puzzle#4

it's not that Qa8 (or Qa1, forgot your color) is the quickest, it's that it is the solution that mates. You are down material and any other move loses

Lichess Feedback - There is multiple solutions of the puzzle#2

Qc6 hangs a queen

General Chess Discussion - gay chess#5

I mean each game already has 2 bishops if we are going there
