
Search "user:QEDemonstrandum"

282 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How are you going to watch the Carlsen-Nepo match?#4

Either Gustaffson from chess24 os Saint Louis Chess Club.

Lichess Feedback - under 2300 tournament#3

Also there are only a few players 2300+ playing in the arena tournaments.

Lichess Feedback - Bug, Rating freeze#2

General Chess Discussion - I am finding chess extremely depressing.#6

Dont focus on specific openings, just play some normal stuff. Of course you will lose with the stafford because it is a bad opening. Eric rosen gets away with it, because he played it for a long time …

General Chess Discussion - Two Lichess accounts#8

@coolcase said in #6: > Then why did a friend accused of "boosting his elo" get banned for playing against his 12 year old grandson for whom he had created his Lichess account? My guess he played with…

General Chess Discussion - : Woodpecker method website#36

@detnop I really like the site. A minor bug, if you have a puzzle where you play the black side, the coordinates shown are wrong.

Lichess Feedback - Exercise #b66PR question#2

The king would be in check on h2, thats why he cant take the queen. Doesnt matter if pinned or not. If you dont understand the rules, just imagine the king can be taken and who`s king is taken first l…

General Chess Discussion - Why is it taking forever to get pairings?#22

@DoctorAlbertstein Sure you can do that but don't be surprised if your next account will be banned aswell. Because creating another account to dodge a ban will get you banned.

General Chess Discussion - Why is it taking forever to get pairings?#15

Use the appeal link. Also do not create a second account to dodge the ban, it will get banned as well and you also hurt your appeal.

General Chess Discussion - How to get a feeling for OTB games again#7

I played a couple of tournaments this year so far. I didnt really prep for it (last one was early 2020) and I didnt have to many problems. Biggest one was not focusing enough after a few hours in the …
