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25 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#15

@Yo_CLXTCH said in #14: > True but at least they're fun EXACTLY!

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#13

@aKsKIl said in #12: > Becuz it is a good 2 hrs or so of a Friday evening 1 hour but yes, like I said OTB is more important, sadly. It is much easier to play a variety of strong players consistently o…

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#10

@Jesse10 said in #9: > Yh. It’s nice to see these stats though, thnx a lot Thanks, I love these statistics, very interesting to see it all in one mass

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#8

@HEALINGEAGLE said in #7: > I agree, it would be great to see even more people competing with more and more teams. In fairness OTB events become much more prevalent but I totally agree

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#6

@Yo_CLXTCH said in #5: > just sad that barely anyone on our wilsons team plays anymore - however there has been an increase in players. glad to see this It is, I'd love to play Wilson's more online, s…

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#3

@GKB38 said in #2: > I think this is quite interesting and Kramnik should definitely have a look at this sure you do mr analysis board vs Anand himself

Community Blog Discussions - Inter-School Battles 2023-24: Winter and Lent term so far#1

Comments on

Community Blog Discussions - Why Humans are smarter than Engines#2

This is very true but for even more reasons! Firstly, engines are not as resourceful as humans! they play the top move to win the fastest, meanwhile any human will convert by not playing the best move…

General Chess Discussion - who has highest puzzle rating. mine is almost 2600#5

@MrPushwood said in #2: > Thanks for helping make the point that puzzle ratings don't really matter. :) the rating itself doesn't, but improving tactics does

General Chess Discussion - Hello this is GM Max Dooch#9

@ST4RSCR34M said in #7: > Thank you the amount of time I spend trying to find the video had me pulling my hair out Lol no problem
