
Search "user:Duzzz"

44 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Hey guys! Little Help!#8

Hi, May I suggest that when you look for howTo's on video-editing, you look for fora/tutorials on video-editing? There probably are these kinds of resources for the editing software you are using. Goo…

General Chess Discussion - Searching free mating puzzles#4

First hit on google search: scid vs pc download It's free. Chessbase is a databaseprogram which handles huge collections of games. You can search, annotate, do test-sets, etc. Same for SCID. The useri…

General Chess Discussion - Searching free mating puzzles#2

I use SCID vs PC. That's an open source alternative for Chessbase. It is shipped with mate-in-n-puzzles. 1, 2, 3, 4+ They also shipped some endgame-positions and tactics. Fair warning: SCIDvsPC looks …

Game analysis - Perfection out of imperfection #2

Hi, Saw your opponent's rating: good scalp dude! Congrats. The game has some tactical and positional inaccuracies, but almost 600 rating difference: nice. If you often win on time, I would recommend t…

Game analysis - Nice win against the Berlin Defense. I am white.#5

Hi! Great of you to show this game. Both you and your opponent had trouble seeing basic captures. But you won: good for you! If I may be so frank: One of the best advice I ever found on the internet w…

General Chess Discussion - Have any of the world chess champions written at least one chess book?#3

Yes, almost all :)

Game analysis - Tactical error + weak endgame play#3

Hi, K+R vs K+R+N is a draw. So you in theory, you can 'sac' your 2 extra pawns if that guarantees the trade of the other 3 pawns. After 27...Rc8, the first problem you have to handle with White is the…

General Chess Discussion - How do you feel about... #4#2

here you go:

General Chess Discussion - How do you feel about... #2#4

Dear Jonesmh, 'Tactics, tactics, tactics' is not the correct answer: it's incomplete and therefor bad advice. Of course tactics are important. But so are middlegame concepts, endgame and... dare I say…

General Chess Discussion - How do you feel about... #2#1

Unwanted advice that you should do Tactics, Tactics, Tactics? Especially when it's the same posters typing (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) a TLDR-woodpecker-promo as an answer to every f-ing question?
